Celebrity Look-a-Like Collaboration with Nick Lynn Voris
Celebrity Look-a-Like Collaboration with Nick Lynn Voris
Paper Hat Project
Paper Hat Project
Men’s Style Board
Men’s Style Board
Women’s style Board
Women’s style Board
Color Study Appliqué Quilt - Dyed cotton muslin, wool yarn, wool double cloth. Hand stitched.
Color Study Appliqué Quilt - Dyed cotton muslin, wool yarn, wool double cloth. Hand stitched.
Double-Sided Embroidery - Front
Double-Sided Embroidery - Front
Double-Sided Embroidery - Back
Double-Sided Embroidery - Back
Digital Rendering Study
Digital Rendering Study
Queen Elizabeth I - Digital Quilt
Queen Elizabeth I - Digital Quilt
White Pencil on Black Paper
White Pencil on Black Paper
Charcoal on Paper, lifted with an eraser
Charcoal on Paper, lifted with an eraser
Colored Pencil on Toned Paper
Colored Pencil on Toned Paper
Collaborative Mixed Media on Paper
Collaborative Mixed Media on Paper
Mixed Media Abstaction
Mixed Media Abstaction
Pencil on Paper
Pencil on Paper
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